Daily Bible – No. 1

For many years now, my wife and I have used The Daily Bible, with commentary by F. Lagard Smith, as a resource for daily Bible reading. It is very easy to read, arranged chronologically, and provides helpful insights from Smith. One fantastic addition is a Kindle version of the Daily Bible (finally!!).

As we begin 2017, we have set one of our goals to read through the Daily Bible once again. I would like to encourage you to join us, and add your comments in these weekly posts as we progress. I hope you will join us – spending time in reading and prayer cannot help but have a positive impact on every aspect of your life!

No. 1 (January 1-7, 2017)

The first several days of reading provide a panorama of concepts that will encompass the entire Scripture. In the first few chapters of Genesis we encounter creation, the Holy Spirit, covenant, sin, death, worship, renewal, selfishness, and much more. Perhaps the most distressing observation is that man’s selfishness can very quickly lead to his own destruction – a theme that will play out again and again in the Scripture.

It is clear that God is gracious and merciful, yet, at the same time, He is completely uncompromising in His dealings with mankind. While some may view this as harsh, the Believer can take solace in the fact God is always faithful. We can rest assured that His words are not capricious or casual; His promises are not subject to whim.  He promised Adam and Eve a life eternal and without duress – if they would obey. Their failure did not merit a “do-over,” only the consequences that God had promised (eternal consequences as it turns out!).

The lowest point in the first week of reading is God’s decision to destroy the world. The Scripture is unequivocal regarding the state of man’s behavior at that time: “Every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. (Genesis 6:5). But there, in the midst of all that depravity, was Noah and his family – eight souls devoted to God.

Again, this is a theme that will play out over and over in the Word: God always spares a remnant of His people, and it is HIS grace and works that provides that salvation.

God is near, and God cares.

But God requires your faithfulness.

One Comment

  1. Terry and Dawn Walker

    This is the first time we have read the Bible chronologically. We have committed to reading it together and already are enjoying the time we have set aside every evening. We are looking forward to growing in the Word together along with our Life family!

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