Sermons by Dan Langdon (Page 2)

Dan Langdon is the minister of the OpenDoor congregation. He and his wife, Kathy, have been married since 1992 and have four children – Liam, Abby, Levi, and Anna Grace. Graduates of Oklahoma Christian University, the Dan and Kathy have spent over 20 years in Christian ministry in various parts of the world including Japan, Scotland, Haiti, India and the U.S. They have been a vital part of OpenDoor since 2009.

God Desires to Walk with You

Throughout this year, Dan is preaching from “The Story,” which is the Bible, but written as a chronological novel (purchase HERE). This is first week and the lesson this week is drawn from Chapter 1. In the story, there is an “upper” story (the spiritual perspective of God) and a “lower” story (the day-to-day perspective of…

The Joy of Losing

How does dominion (winning) and obedience (losing?) go together? Is it possible that we have the wrong goal in life – to win?? The reality is that we want want we want – we do want to win; we want dominion. But we might find that there is more lasting joy in losing (obedience). As…