It was written all over the sides of the park’s tube slide in permanent black marker — the kind of vile commentary you might find on the walls of a truck-stop bathroom.
At first sight of it, I felt a surge of anger. Just lovely, I thought. Truly, nothing is sacred. Not even our neighborhood park. I mean, really, what could possess someone to write obscene graffiti in a place where children come to play?
But then, while considering what I might have done had I caught the perpetrator in the act, I saw something. In the middle of it all, written in the same scrawl, were these words: “Jesus is the answer.”
It stopped me in my tracks, and I marveled at it. I still do, even though park workers have long since come and cleaned off the graffiti. The writer could have intended it ironically, I guess. But I didn’t get that impression. No, even to this otherwise lost and depraved mind, somehow that name still meant something.
And that is a hopeful reminder. No matter how dark the times, or unlikely the source or setting, The Name Above All Names still resonates.
I don’t know of any other name with that kind of power.
You reminded me of Jesus’ promise, “surely I am with you always….” His presence is everywhere. His influence is everywhere, impacting both where we can and cannot see. Your words breathed confidence and assurance into my heart and mind. Thank you, Tim!
Simply beautiful, thank you.
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