'Journey' tagged posts

Daily Bible – No. 10

It is interesting to observe that the people of Israel will consistently disobey God, and then, in turn, blame its leaders or even God himself. Why is it that mankind often lacks the ability to admit its own failures, accept responsibility for its choices and actions, or to place blame where blame is actually due?

Daily Bible – No. 7

In this week’s reading, we have the bizarre story of Balaam and Balak (the king of Moab); a disappointing sin that causes the deaths of 24,000 Israelites; and, two lengthy addresses from Moses to the nation of Israel.

I Lack Nothing

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”  (Psalm 23:1) I am ashamed for acting and speaking at times as if I DO lack something; as if the shepherd is not enough and he has led me into a mess. But he doesn’t lead me into messes.  Either I find a mess in my wandering,…