Worship is Always Waiting

Birds calling from the tree tops,
Rain lighting on the forest leaves.
Thunder rumbling in the clouds
And a soft breeze crosses my face,
Carrying the scent of spring mist.

These are the sights and sounds of praise.
These are the timeless echoes that have filled the land from the beginning.
They sing the song of life and of the Father.
They tell of his presence and of his goodness.

It’s not just another rain.
It’s not simply a clap of thunder.
This is creation’s worship.
I am awaken to God, and he fills me.

Worship does not demand a gathering of people, only a gathering of ourselves. It need not wait for an appointment or an agreement. Worship needs only our awareness, awakened by the Holy Spirit, fanned and focused by faith.

But we must be quiet. We must learn to still our bodies and our minds, even if only for a moment. We must be intentional, though at times God will catch us off guard.

Worship is always waiting. And it has the power to bring light. It is a privilege. It is a tool. It is a kiss.

We need only turn.


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