January 8-14, 2017
Sadly, the list of man’s failures and bad decisions continues to multiply. God is forced to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Then Lot’s daughters behave badly. And Esau trades away his birthright. Clearly, left to our own devices, we cannot help but pursue that which is sinful and destructive.
Quite simply because we want what we want. After all, without a higher purpose in life, what else is there? Without a sense of who we are, and whose we are, our only joy can come from serving ourselves. Which sounds pretty good on the surface, doesn’t it? Getting what you want? Being satisfied?
But look where that idea has led mankind thus far in the Scripture. Death, destruction, despair, evil intent, and much more. Could there be a better way?
God would have us believe so. His admonition is simple – trust Me and obey Me, and I will take care of the rest. In fact, in this early reading of the Word, God promises Abraham that because of his great faith (Genesis 22), He will enter into a covenant (a binding agreement) with Abraham to bless not only Abraham, but his descendants AND all mankind (Genesis 22:15-19).
In truth, “covenant” is a foundational concept in Scripture that will repeat itself over and over again, right up into the present kingdom. Through His son, Jesus, God offers us deliverance from death and despair – if we will only put our faith in Him and accept His covenant offer.
Life and spiritual prosperity, or death and despair?
It’s a choice.