Sermons by Mike Baskett (Page 11)

Mike was born in Abilene, Texas in 1962 to parents who were serving in the U.S. Air Force. After living in Montana and Florida, his dad retired and moved back to Abilene in 1972. It was in Abilene that their entire family was introduced to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus and all began a new walk with Him! Mike was called into ministry his sophomore year at ACU and answered the call his junior year (he was a bit slow). While working on his degree in Ministry and Evangelism, Mike ministered at two local churches. He also spent a year as a missionary intern in Skelmersdale, England. Karen and Mike have served three congregations in our 21 years together, each one has been a unique and special blessing! They have three incredible children, Hunter (20), Colby (18), and Curry (13). They have a dog named Granger, two cats, and a gold fish. Mike consider myself one of the most blessed individuals in this world! But he will tell you… “I’m REALLY looking forward to the world to come. What a hope we have in Jesus!”

I Am Resolved

As the year comes to an end, resolutions are often on the minds of people. Quite often people are resolved to change things in the coming New Year. How often do those things reflect something in our spiritual lives?

The Camouflaged Enemy

Your “enemy” is crafty. He is the father of lies, Jesus said, so his message is, by definition, deceitful. In other words, there is often just enough truth in the lie to make it sound reasonable. Recognizing your enemy, Satan, and his intentions are important.

Building a Stronghold

You are what you think. As the writer says in Proverbs: “As a man thanks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).” In this lesson, Mike discusses the importance of taking “every thought captive.”

What Is Real Repentance?

In it’s original meaning, the Greek word for repentance (metanoia) means to “change one’s mind.” It is the decision to do differently, not the state of being “sorry,” as is so often the case when someone is caught doing something wrong. In this lesson, Mike explores the truth of repentance, and details the difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow.

Compelled to Reconcile

In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul says that Christ’s love compels us – because we are convinced that Jesus is who he says he is. We become, Paul says, a new creation, transformed in our thinking and our perspective. That said, the real question is, what does that the love of Christ compel us to DO?