"Discipline" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Being Wise with Time (and Money)

When we’re too busy, too overloaded, and too stressed, spiritual things always take a back seat. When spiritual things take a back seat in our lives, Satan’s job is much too easy. In this lesson, Mike talks about the “distractions” in life and the challenges they create.

Spiritual Disciplines – Devote Yourselves!

Mike continues preaching the series on Spiritual Disciplines. This lesson focuses on the spiritual discipline of worship, which is perhaps best explained as “worth-ship” –  – the idea that God is worth, or worthy, of our praise and reverence. So, what is true and proper worship? According to Scripture, it is the willingness to offer…

Spiritual Disciplines: Gorge Yourself!

This lesson continues the series on Spiritual Disciplines. In the book we are studying in Wednesday evening Bible class, Spiritual Disciplines, Donald Whitney says, “There simply is no healthy Christian life apart from a diet of the milk and meat of Scripture.” In this lesson, Mike talks about the importance that God puts on the Word…