The first chapter of Hebrews is focused on the supremacy of Jesus Christ, a topic of great importance to 1st century Jews who struggled to give up on Moses, the law, and the old covenant.
This lesson is the second of three Wednesday night lessons in May that are designed to introduce our summer long study of the book of Hebrews. In this second lesson, Kelly provides an overview of Hebrews – a tale of two covenants.
This lesson is the first of three Wednesday night lessons in July that are designed to introduce our summer long study of the book of Hebrews. In this first lesson, Mike introduces the theme of Hebrews.
After spending many days in the hands of sinners, suffering, Jesus’ final destination is his Father’s hands. In like manner, although life may present many difficulties, Christians rest in the hands of God.
In this lesson, Mike explores the meaning and importance of the Greek word teleo; a word that suggests both completion and perfection, through the importance of Jesus’ final words, and the “perfection” it created for His followers. “This is how love is made complete (teleos) among us… (1 John 4:17 NIV).”
As Jesus hung on the cross, only John records that Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” It is an acknowledgment of his humanity, yet he was the Son of God. In this lesson, Mike explores the humanity of Jesus, the Savior of the world.