The early church “devoted themselves…to the fellowship” (Acts 2:42). In this lesson, Mike talks about the value of “small groups” and how they contribute to the idea of devoting ourselves to “fellowship.” They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Matthew 1:20-24 (NIV) As iron sharpens…
In the lesson this week, Mike takes a look at God’s wisdom in raising children and dedicating them to Him. Children are God’s gift; they are to be protected. They are to be instructed in God’s wisdom. They are to be disciplined, as God disciplines His sons (Hebrews 12:7). Our vision for our children should be…
In this sermon, Mike concludes a two-part lesson from John 15 in which Jesus uses a simple illustration using a vine, its branches, and the fruit that the vine produces.
The grape vine provided Jesus with the perfect analogy to illustrate his relationship to His people. In John 15, Jesus says (perhaps in comparison to a representation of a vine at the temple), “I am the true vine.” He sustains the branches (his people), causing those branches provide much fruit (the good works of our lives).
“I am the way.” In a world that struggles with the idea of only ONE way to get to heaven (the Father’s house), Jesus said that he is the way: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” But, if one really wants to know the way to living with the Father, the only person…
In this lesson, Mike explores the power and meaning of the words of Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life.”