Keep On Keeping On

This is the final lesson from the Spiritual Disciplines series, based on the book by Donald S. Whitney, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.” In this lesson, Mike discusses the need to make progress on our journey with God; the need to be diligent as we train ourselves to be Godly.

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

“Spiritual discipline” begins with knowledge, but knowledge doesn’t necessarily mean that someone will act with wisdom. In today’s world, there is certainly no shortage of knowledge – at your fingertips! But…are we wise? In this lesson, Mike preaches about the process of translating knowledge into understanding, and, ultimately, wisdom.”

Journal It!

Recording your thoughts, prayers, and experiences in a journal provides several benefits to the writer. In addition, keeping notes during Bible study or meditation is also tremendously valuable. There is probably no better way to tie the other Spiritual Disciplines together than to keep a journal.

What Do You Lack?

“You of little faith.” Over and over, Jesus said this to people around him. What was missing? Believing that Jesus was who He said he was, what created doubt in people’s minds about Jesus’ ability to do things they could not comprehend? Why did their trust waiver?

“Feast or Fast?”

The idea of fasting is to simply ignore the need for – the desire for – food, and purposely focusing on something important to God. In this lesson, Mike discusses the Biblical admonition to fast, and why it is important to your Christian walk.