Bible Heroes: Onesimus

Mike continues his series on Bible characters by looking at the life of Onesimus.

Onesimus, a former slave, had become a Christian and valuable to Paul in the kingdom of God. It is interesting that the name “Onesimus” means “useful. “Writing to Philemon in Colossi, Paul pleaded with Philemon to accept Onesimus – a changed man – back into his community.

The story of Onesimus is a story that illustrates the need to be merciful – and the opportunity to be useful, despite the past.

“Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than Paul—an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus— that I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.”

Philemon 1:8-9 (NIV)