Oprah and java June 22, 2014 Tim Stanley Community As a black-coffee kind of guy, I usually say no to sweetener and cream.
Water From the Rock June 7, 2014 Tim Stanley Community There are days when the act of writing — finding the right words and making them do what you want them to — can feel a lot like trying to get water from a rock.
Worship is Always Waiting June 2, 2014 Staff Community 2 Comments Worship does not demand a gathering of people, only a gathering of ourselves. It need not wait for an appointment or an agreement.
How Hard is Kindness? May 30, 2014 Staff Community How hard is kindness? It takes all of you and less of you, all at the same time.
Life with Purpose May 29, 2014 Staff Community So if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing from a place of thankfulness and purpose…
What Simon Saw April 23, 2014 Tim Stanley Community One of the questions in our BSF homework last week asked us to imagine Simon of Cyrene as he carried Jesus’ cross through the street.