The Mustard Seed Village in India is in need of water, facilities, supplies, and ongoing support. OpenDoor has pledged $2,500 from our general funds to give to this effort, and we want to challenge the congregation to match or exceed that amount. It is our hope to bless this work with in excess of $5,000 in order to provide a permanent water supply.
The Mustard Seed Village is having a severe water problem. They have two hand-dug wells, one about 20 feet deep and the other about 25 feet deep. However, one has gone dry completely, and the other is unsafe for drinking purposes.
In this area you hit solid rock around 20 feet. A drilling company has been located that will travel a long distance and drill a well about 150 feet deep. This will give them a good and plentiful water supply for the growing community.
They must also construct a large cement tank to hold about 5000 gallons of water. The cost is $8,500.00 but must be provided.
It is such a joy to participate together is this worthy effort. James assures us, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Sacrificing for this cause honors God, honors his children, and serves as a good check on ourselves that we are not being too polluted by the world.
UPDATE (June 2, 2014): Sunday, June 1st, we took up a special contribution for this effort. The OpenDoor congregation has purposed through individual contribution to send $4560.00 to the Mustard Seed Village. This will be added to the $2,500.00 provided by the OpenDoor benevolence fund, for a total contribution of $7060.00.