Christ Lives in Me (Really?)

“Christ lives in me.” In this sermon, Dan explores the impact this declaration made by Paul to the church in Galatia, and he looks at what it means for us today.  Is Christ living in you? Really?? God’s expectation is not that we would achieve, but that we would receive….receive His Spirit, and allow Him…

Suffering and a God of Love

“Why would a loving God allow His people to suffer?” This is a very common question – and frequent objection to the very idea of God. In this sermon, Vince takes a deep look at some of the intellectual components that drive this debate, but takes great care to explain that emotions and personal circumstances are extremely important in any conversation about suffering.

A Vision for Evangelism and Apologetics

In this lesson, Vince established the need for all Christians to “be prepared to give an answer” to those who have questions about God, the gospel, and the many typical objections to Christianity. In addition, he makes the case that apologetics (from the Greek “apologia” – a defense) in the absence of evangelism is an exercise without merit.

Why the Cross?

“Couldn’t God have done it a different way?” In this week’s sermon, Dan looks at the necessity of the cross – from both the legal aspect of the cross and the transformational aspect of the cross.

What Separates You From God?

In this lesson, Dan challenges the notion that it is your sin that separates you from God. He looks at the calling of Matthew (Matthew 9) and the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) to show that God comes near to each of us, despite our sin. In fact, it is not my sin that moves me away from God; rather, it is my refusal of grace that separates me from God.